People, especially parents deserve the truth about the survival benefits of fever. Human and animal trials show time and time again that fevers are GOOD for us and if we lower a fever it can increase mortality!
Even the latest research shows that most medical doctors were not educated on the benefits of fever and believed, wrongly, that fevers were harmful. Their ill advice can actually be deadly, so I pray more people will learn the truth about fevers to make informed decisions for themselves and their families!
I'm sorry but I really am not sorry. To threaten families with hunger and starvation to force vaccines is WRONG and down right evil.
While they force their vaccine agenda they will be placing children at risk of the number one killer in the world, malnutrition and starvation.
On top of the evil way in which they are forcing vaccine, the medical community is ignoring the parents as parents tell them their children are getting sick after the vaccines.
If the medical community truly wishes to save lives, then I beg them to start focussing, not on vaccinating more children but getting those in need the most important thing that will improve the health of those children and the nation or world as a whole, proper nutrition.
I am interested to know what others think about this "tactic" to force parents to vaccinate their children?
I ask all of you to take a stand with me against this injustice.
Share the truth, because that's the only way we save lives!
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A doctor with a true heart of service to help people has died after suffering a serious paralytic injury after the flu vaccine. The US Court of Federal Claims “Vaccine Court” has awarded $500,000 to the beneficiary of this doctor after her vaccine injuries lead to her paralysis, multiple organ failure and eventual death.
This is heartbreak for anyone. To see such a good, caring, and servant to the Lord be taken from this world far before her time. I have read this doctor's obituary and anyone can see that this woman was a very caring person who had a heart to serve others. What should upset and frustrate any of us is when you see the fact that vaccines like the flu vaccine are forces against unwilling nurses, doctors and other hospital staff.
The fact is that the flu vaccine is worthless, one could potentially argue that “yes the flu vaccine does cause injuries and even deaths, but it’s all for the ‘greater good’.” But the fact is the research proves that healthcare ...
HHS failed, and it means they failed children; they put children at risk; they have left the lives of children and the safety of vaccines up to the manufacturers like Merck, GSK, etc. who have lied so many times, we can’t even fathom.
I recently sent Senator Bob Corker an email alerting him of the recent lawsuit filed against Health and Human Services(HHS) that found that HHS has failed to oversee and report on the safety improvement of vaccinations being given to our children. The response I received was heartbreaking and downright disrespectful. If Sen. Corker truly read the email, then he disregarded my concerns and responded with a cookie-cutter response. I feel that his unwillingness to address parental concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and his unwillingness to be what he is placed in office to be: Someone looking out for the best interest of our society and especially our children, shows he never read the email or he does not care.
We, as a nation, must demand that Congress ...
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